Saturday, July 4, 2009


IT is a crazy world we live in! People rushing to get where they want to go, sometimes seemingly without concern for other drivers or even pedestrians. People swearing at ATM and self-checkout machines that malfunction...businesses with little to none in the customer service department...

To read the newspapers, one would think that most Americans are self-focused and that the main goal is matter how you get it.

But today, I met with some old friends at a restaraunt. We joined hands and bowed our heads to say grace, something many cannot do in their countries. We talked about our lives, our children and grandchildren, telling jokes and funny stories. We talked about GOD, in a public building where we could have been overheard, yet we were in no danger.

Today we celebrate the Declaration of Independence that brought us freedom to worship as we choose, and to voice opinions and to pursue happiness. This country today is a far cry from what our forefathers had in mind when they signed that document. Their intentions cannot be decided by courts who call themselves "Supreme". It is possible that those very freedoms our forefathers fought for can, and will, be threatned, not by outsiders, but by our own polical system that is hardly "by the people" any more.

However, TODAY we are STILL a FREE nation! We can talk about any topic we choose, and share our beliefs with our children and grandchildren. And so it is TODAY, that I, unashamedly a believer in Jesus Christ, share my Fourth of July poem with you, my friends...

Fourth of July In My Spirit

It’s Fourth of July in my spirit!
The Lord has ignited my soul.
His love is exploding inside me,
As His Spirit is now making me whole!

The fire of His work within me
Is lighting the path through my night;
Bringing joyous expressions of glory,
And helping me walk in His light.

His purpose, to bring independence
From the darkness and clutches of sin,
And releasing my captive soul gently,
To share my freedom in Him!

Explosions of praise to the Savior,
Now escape from down deep in me.
In resounding celebration…
For JESUS is setting me free!

By Charlotte Saben