Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And Again, I Repeat!

Sometimes people repeat things. Sometimes people repeat things. Sometimes...Oh, I confess, I am among them! And, I think, I am among good company!

Now, I realize that listening to repeated stories can be less than interesting. But I believe that one should politely oblige, none-the-less. You see, there are many reasons why people repeat themselves. And, there are just as many reasons to be respected while doing so!

Reason #1. They have forgotten that they told the story, or info. The reason to be respected is that people who fall into this catagory are usually aging, or ailing or both! It happens to the best of us! It occurs after years of enduring the stress of child-rearing and managing households and/or businesses! We have earned the right to forget once in a while...and the right to repeat ourselves!

Reason #2. They think they forgot an important detail or fact, and retelling the story seems the only way to clarify! The reason to respect people in this catagory is that they are making a valiant effort to state truth, to get the facts straight and complete. And, they want to make sure that, if their "listener" repeats the story, the details are correct! Hey! We just want to make sure the "grapevine" is really growing grapes!

Reason #3. They weren't sure you were really listening the first time they told you! Perhaps the loud music in the background, or the screaming toddler, or the side conversation they overheard, gave them reason to feel you could not have possibly heard correctly the first time. Respect them for considering you important enough to be worthy of their repeat.

Reason #4. They consider this information, (even if it is a dumb joke) to be important (or funny) to the highest degree, and want to make sure that you, the listener, get the full benefit of it. You should feel special to be privy to such significant info! Respect them for exposing their preferences and letting you in on their humor or opinions. Not everyone shares with you!

Reason #5. They have become accustomed to repeating things to you. They have spent a lifetime finding this a necessary part of communication. The reason to respect them in this case is, that they are most likely your parent! (Or some authority figure of your past...)

So, people...humor us! Be polite enough to let us finish our repetitive statements without cutting us off, or rudely replying "You told me that already!" Perhaps we have just forgotten. Perhaps we remember...and perhaps we will not let you know which it is...just makes us feel special!