I haven't written on this blog for 3 months! Wow! That is a long time. It is not that nothing noteworthy has happened, iit is just that busyness has taken its toll.
I plan on revising the way I write this blog. Lots of decisions and changes seem to lie ahead of me right now. So, I am going to commit to blogging on here once a week...on Thursday nights (usually), although the day may change from week to week as schedules change too.
I am changing the forum on this blog as well. It shall deal with the mundane day-to-day things and the lessons I learn from life through them. I intend to steer away from the controversial and politics, etc. I will even leave the "news" to the television stations for the most part. There are, however, some times when news items directly affect my life.
I guess when life brings you changes when you are in your "senior" years, (according to Ross, Denny's and Sun City, I qualify!) it can be a little daunting. And yet, what challenges lie ahead might just release some long-awaited desires.
All I know is that God has a plan! And He isn't done with me yet! (either that or Heaven isn't ready for me yet!) ha!
Well, I look forward to sharing new and exciting things. For those of you who have followed my grannypro blog as well, I am taking a sabitcal on that one for now. I have posted one last blog as a sort of explanation. I may return to it shorty, and I may totally abandon it at some point. But I will keep you informed.
I have started a new blog for sharing stories I wrote with and for my children and grandchildre, although it will take me a while to get them all retyped. I plan to post at least one a week as well. I know I have not been a faithful blogger, but I am beginning to see its value more and more.
Thanks for hanging with me!