Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back on Here for the parts more secret!

There are plenty of things that I would like to blog about. Not complaints, really, but rather interesting challenges and antics of life. But now more of my friends read my other blog and they know my children...and some know me too well! Anyway, I have chosen to resume this blog for the purposes of rambling about things that I otherwise might not want ALL of my friends and acquaintance to read. So, if you have been given this site by myself then consider yourself privileged in my book. If you have stumbled into it, then I hope you enjoy...and do not know my children.

I choose not to use any blog site to express my political opinions. At this point in the American culture, I do not want to identify with any side, even if there were octagons to choose from. I think the mere political realm is so messed up and so far from what it was intended by those who led our great nation generations ago, that it is hardly worth analyzing. But I do so anyway. I could become optomistic, pessimistic, depressed, or afraid. I could focus on the self-centeredness of the culture in which we live. But that WOULD depress me. It is very difficult to teach my grandchildren to share, love, respect, and prefer others above themselves when everyone around them seems to teach by their behaviors, something entirely different. People no longer automatically hold open doors for others, including women and children, nor do they acknowledge it when someone does it for them. People complain about disabled people taking too much time in restrooms, yet park in the spaces designated for the disabled without giving a thought to the inconvience they may have caused. If they get ticketed for abusing or ignoring a law, they complain about the law or the enforcer. Or blame someone else. They march on our city streets for equal rights to sin or live without conscience. They cite evils done by those who live more "normal" lives as reasons why "normal" should no longer be defined by anyone. If "they" can do "it", so should anyone! I personally find a lot of controversy and idiocrisy in that philosophy.

I could focus on the injustices in this world. No, not the ones those people are marching about, but the REAL injustices. Like children having to bear abuse and exploitation at the hands of adults...for the purposes of "pleasure" or money. Like women STILL being told they are less than men, and only have worth if they "belong" to some man or bear many children. Or, as in the case of many other countries, not even being able to be educated, or seen in public. Like children going hungry or fighting AIDES just because they were born non-American. OR even American children being born on drugs, or with environmentally induced illnesses and challenges. Or children having the feet bound to keep them small because of a cultural impression of beauty. I cannot justify wasting time, and especially money, in this economically trying time, flaunting the right to love someone of the same gender, or protesting perceived prejudice about orientations and choices...when we have starving children and abused women and kids, unemployed men and women, all trying to survive. Why not spend your money on them???? And march to forward their cause? Draw attention to something significant and of value, not just the selfish choices you would like to have acknowledged or legalized.

I could focus on the fear I hear contiually rising in the hearts of Americans. Fear of "losing their shirt" financially. Fear of not having the choices they would like. Fear of not being able to collect Social Security so they can do what they want in their latter years. I am among those with those concerns soon to be face. And yet, I ask myself, and others, "Why am I concerned about Social Security checks?" I am much more concerned about the security of our nation. We ARE being attacked. We can fight the enemies of our land that have armies and navies and weapons of war. We can negotiate with governments to assist with financial crisis. But can we fight the REAL enemies of our nation? SELFCENTEREDNESS! COMPLACENCY! Personally, it scares me to think that we would become a depressed people over not having money to buy our usual Christmas gifts, or drive to places we desire, or go out to eat frequently. I share some of the disappointments of these things, but let's face it, they are NOT real crises. If I am breathing, able to get around, and thinking, then I am OK! If I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy for today...then I am fine! If I have gas to drive my car and a job to drive it to, then I am blessed! These things are NOT rights! They are blessings!

I think it should be required that every American who makes a decent living should have to visit a country or an area of this country that is not so fortunate. We should have to get our hands dirty helping others survive. We should have to hold hungry, crying children and comfort war brides and orphans who have to live in the scars of their bombed out land. We should have to disperse medicine to victims of AIDES and malaria and smallpox in lands where there seems to be no hope. We should have to eat small amounts of things we don't even know the name of...just because that is all that is available...and not complain.

If we could adopt a world view, or rather, world vision, I think our fears would lessen and our self-focus reduce to the point where we would no longer be depressed over not being acknowledged in our "rights" and "choices" made to make our lives more convenient and easier. Let's get real and understand that LOVE has nothing to do with Orientation or legal status.

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