Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Move Is On!

We are moving! That is an adventure I had hoped not to face again. And once again, I shall hope that THIS is the last move! But only God knows for sure I guess. At first, I was tempted to complain loudly. After all, THIS home is where my husband and I wanted to be. This is the one WE chose together, and put a lot of time, sweat, and energy into! We like our neighbors, and as far as we know, they like us!

But alas! The economy and other circumstances got the best of us and we had to give in to reality. So, we are moving! This will happen in just two weeks! Yikes!

But I also have a sense of excitement. We are moving, not just houses, but cities as well. Moving to a place we have not lived before. It is a little inconvient as far as distances to work and places we are accustomed to hanging out. But, we shall find new hang-outs, and adjust our time for church and work travels. My husband says he enjoyed it when he had more travel time before, so he could think and prepare a little more. And, there are several routes to choose from!

We could take the main drag that angles across this area (Might be a good choice once all the construction is done!), We can take Bell Road (which is almost always busy) to the freeways (a choice of two depending on how far we want to go down Bell)
This would take us past a major mall and LOTS of businesses. We can take a choice of several "back" roads that take us through farm land and more scenic areas. The choice is ours. Traffic is busy on all the choices, at given times each day. But, depending upon my mood, I can think by my surroundings, that I live in the "country" being newly developed, or, that I live in a busy city full of shopping and office buildings. I can drive through Sun City, which is a retirement, age-limited town, or I can drive through lots of school zones.

WOW! I have LOTS more choices than I ever did here! I suspect that, at least for the first few weeks, I shall try all the routes to see which is faster, calmer, etc. and then choose daily depending on my mood and time requirements.

The house is LOTS newer! It is less than ten years old, while this old charmer is approaching half a century! May have already arrived, as I am not quite sure of the year it was built. It is strong and sturdy. It has a unique flavor. This newer home is more of a tract home. However, this older one was once a tract home too! So, the adventure begins with making it my own and charming like this older one.

I think charm comes from living happily and expressing yourself nicely and tastefully in your home. That, I can do!

I shall miss my big yard...but not the weeds I can't keep up with! I shall miss my huge pine trees, but not the mess they make, and their need for trimming! I shall make my new, smaller yard, a fascinating collage of color with a garden and pots of flowering plants. I plan to do a container garden as well as an in-the-ground one. This will all be challenging but fun and productive. I think I can keep up with this new yard a bit more easily. There is something to be said for "small packages!"

Well, the adventure has begun and the move is on! I think I shall go paint a desk!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I pray all goes well!