Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just as I Suspected! People Oservations!

Just as I suspected, life has gotten busy and I have failed to write here weekly. My real goal as stated before is twice weekly! But, alas! This is only the second week of January and I am behind already!

I have been busy observing life. I probably should say, observing people. Over the last week, I have had occasion to go in several stores, attend the symphony, and eat out. People were in each of these situations. There were all different types of people with all different types of looks and temperments. Let me start with the stores! The week after New Years Day! One would think that the busyness of Christmas returns and clearance sales would have settled people into a more routine and peaceful life. Yet, I observed ladies shoving one another out of the way, so they could get to the bargain. I almost got ran over by a woman pushing a huge flatbed cart at Costco, since she was focused only on getting to her intended purchase, regardless of who might be in the way. I saw frazzled moms yanking items from their childrens hands, while the kids wailed loudly. I witnessed irritated shoppers waiting impatiently in customer service or check out lines, commenting about the need for more help!

At the symphony, I observed people enjoying themselves. Music has a way of calming the beasts within us. The interesting thing to me was the variety of people attending the same entertainment. Some men were dressed in suits and ties, while others word jeans, and even bermuda shorts! Ladies displayed the same variety! In the row in which I was seated, there was an older couple dressed as if they came straight from gardening. She brought along binoculars even though our seats could easily view the stage. Next to them sat two middle-aged ladies dressed as if they were attending a high-class party! In front of me were a younger couple. He had, shall we say, "intersting" hair...blond with dredlocks and a ponytail protruding in back. She had on a nice pantsuit, with medium and very "normal" makeup and hair. He clapped loudly and seemed to be consumed in the music. She, watched the stage, but also looked around and attempted to cuddle with him on and off. I thought it most interesting that symphonic music and Broadway singers could make all of us relate!

And eating out in a restaraunt is a great place to observe people. The first person to capture my attention did so by yawning widely, with no covering of his mouth. It was a long yawn and he looked around as if to see if anyone was noticing. I was! The table next to ours was occupied by three adults. Two were men and one woman. One of the men ate more like a child, using his fingers for his fries and taking huge bites of burger. He sat with his legs far apart, straddling the chair and munched without fully closing his mouth! The woman seated behind us seemed to have difficulty positioning her chair suitably for her comfort. She kept banging it into my husband's until we actually had to move our table. Yet, overall, it was a pleasant meal with very good food! The waitress took it all in stride and kept her sense of humor and professionalism.

I hope this does not sound like ragging on huyman beings, because that is not my intent. I find it interesting that I seem to observe more closely, those who are acting inapporpriately or stand out as different. I am not sure that is a good thing. Except that I do not judge them. I find them interesting and entertaining at times. (Except for almost getting run over with that flatbed!) And I really do remember that God loves all of us the same! It's just a good thing I am not God! Have a great day! Enjoy life! Observe others with humor and enjoyment!

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