Saturday, January 2, 2010

Loss and Gain

Yesterday we started a new year and a new decade! Most of my friends, as well as myself, shed no tears in leaving the old behind. It was a decade of challenge for most Americans, most people in the world in fact.

There were storms...rain, tsunamis, tornados,hurricanes, and earthquakes. There were disasters such as airplane crashes and fires, wars, and crimes. There was much loss.

If I look back over the sad times of the decade, I would have to mourn the loss of year alone, six friends died in various ways. I would have to sympathize with friends who lost homes to fire and foreclosures. I would pray for those who lost jobs or health or family ties.

The latter part of the decade, this last year, has seemed the worst economically for a long time. Perhaps it is just that I was too young to realize the impact of previous hard times, but I don't recall knowing so many people whose fincancial weel-being has been threatened, myself included. The greed of America has come to haunt us. The mega banks will not bend to help anyone unless there is a federal govt program to save their interest points and reimburse them. They have rigid criteria that is unbendable because they cannnot lose even one percentage rate of interest.

I find myself in a situation I never thought I would see. Both my husband and I, thankfully, are employed. But with the economy the way it is, his income is down almost $6,000. this year...that's $500.00 a month! He has had additional medical expenses, as have I. The banks do not care about that. They are unsympathetic that I no longer have a retirement fund, due to cashing it in to make house payments. Now that house has zero equity on which I had hoped to rely in the future.

So, in the near future, I may lose my home. The home we had hoped would be our retirement place...our last move. Oh, the best laid plans of mice and men! I could go on and on, complaining about the decade, the government, the banks, the economy, etc. but it would not change a single thing!

Instead, I choose to look at what I do have, as many people have much worse losses than I. I will have some roof over my head, and food in my stomach. I will have grandchildren to enjoy and a beautiful relationship with my husband. We will have each other. And we have friends...lots of them really. The economy cannot take away love and friendship. I truly feel sorry for folks who have lost their homes, no matter what the reason or where the location. I pray for and feel pain for those who have lost loved ones, regardless of why or how. There are many ways to loose people and relationships as well.

So, I am not bad off at all! There is no reason to be fearful! I can and will live one day at a time and be thankful what the good things that day holds! I invite you to do the same. It may save our health and country!

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